Wednesday, October 31, 2012

TitusOneNine - (Ed West) Only a free market in religion will save ...

2. New Reformation Advocate wrote:

Thanks, Fr. Tee.? I basically agree with you.

Of course, as an American, I can?t claim that I really understand or sufficiently appreciate the unique role of the CoE in English society, and I would defer to those of you on the other side of the Pond.? But perhaps I can offer some partial illumination of the issues by pointing to the benefits that Anglicanism has gained here in the USA from disestablishment, even though it initially almost killed us in Virginia, where I live.? As is well known, after the Revolutionary War, the Episcopal Church got off to a very bad start in the colonies where it had been the state church (Virginia, Georgia, both Caolinas, and Maryland.? For various reasons that together formed a sort of ?perfect storm? (including the sudden and complete loss of state funding, the fact that many Anglican clergy were Tories and hence regarded with great suspicion and resentment for their support of the British side in the war, and a general American desire to assert independence from England in many aspects of public life besides politics), Anglicanism was literally decimated in the southern colonies during that dark period.? By 1800, only 10% of the Anglican churches that had existed in 1776 were still operating, and it looked to many observers like the Episcopal Church might die out completely.

But then the miracle happened. Two outstanding evangelical bishops in a row (Moore and Meade) took over the helm in the devastated Diocese of Virginia and led a tremendous revival that is still astonishing.? Both men were not only gifted visionary leaders with integrity and unusual communication skills, they were also fervent evangelists with a very clear gospel message, undergirded by an uncompromisingly evangelical theological foundation.? There wasn?t a Broad Church or Latitudinarian bone in their bodies, much less a Catholic one: they were Protestant Anglicans to the core, and proud of it.? The trumpet call to battle that they issued was unmistakeable in its clarity, and many people rallied to the cause with enthusiasm (in the positive American sense of that term).? They founded Virginia Seminary in 1812, and despite all the trials and tribulations of the War of 1812 and other challenges, it quickly grew to be the largest and most influential seminary in the land, with an unashamed evangelical flavor (alas, now almost lost).

Now regular T19 readers know that although I?m a Wheaton grad and have been associated with Evangelicalism all my adult life, I?m also an ordinand of the Anglo-Catholic Diocese of Albany.? I also spent ten years in the Assembly of God Church and have been an active participant in the charismatic renewal movment for more than 30 years.? Hence I frequently like to refer to myself as a ?3-D? Christian: evangelical, catholic, and charismatic.

So what is the point in bringing up all that?? Well, two main points actually.? The first is that the great Virginia bishops Richard Moore and William Meade would?ve been profoundly uneasy with that 3-D stuff and extremely suspicious of my catholic and charismatic sides.? Nonetheless, I could?ve related to their passion for the gospel, church-planting and world mission, and their willingness to sacriifice everything for Christ and the Anglican cause, as they understood it.? And I think (perhaps too optimistically) that they might even have come to respect and tolerate me, if they were somehow transported by a time machine into our time, since I share a similar passion and willingness to sacrifice, and although my theological outlook is significantly different from theirs and may be paradoxical at times, at least we?d share an utter rejection of all Broad Church tendencies and all Liberalism (as an ism, i.e., all relativistic tendencies and doctrinal indifferentism).? We?d all be on the same side of the Culture War.

Secondly, to return to Ed West?s piece, I agree with him and with Fr. Tee above that one of the things that is killing us as Anglicans is the futile attempt to ?be all things to all people? (but not in the way Paul did, who never compromised the gospel).? Anglicanism may be a Big Tent, but it can?t include everything and everyone, and it?s absolutely absurd to pretend that we can or should.

I particularly liked West?s line about how you can?t expect any good to result from the union of a strong state to a weak church.? Indeed, I would go further myself.? A glance at ANY of the historic state churches of Europe, whether the Lutheran churches of Germany and Scandanavia, or the Reformed churches in Scotland, Netherlands, and Switzerland, or the Catholic Church in France and southern Europe, even a cursory look at them shows plainly that they are all pathetically weak.? The old Christendom marriage of Church and State has ALWAYS ended badly for the Church.? It ALWAYS turns out to favor the State at the expense of the Church, because it inevitably ends up compromising and muzzling the witness of the Church.? Just as has happened in England, despite the noble efforts of many honorable Anglican leaders to resist and overcome that universal and inherent tendency.

I hope that Pageantmaster and other English friends on this blog won?t resent my throwing in my opinion here in support of disestablishment.? I recognize that the risks are enormous, and that much depends on HOW such a momentous change comes about.? I can sympathize with those who fear that the CoE would simply collapse and not survive, as almost happened here in Virginia.

But in the end, in a post-Christendom cultural context like neo-pagan England, it?s really only a matter of time until the CoE suffers the inevitable fate of disestablishment, along with the Anglican churches of Wales or Ireland, or the Lutheran churches of Norway and Sweden, etc.? My point is that the triumphant experience of the Episcopal Church in Virginia shows that disestablishment can in fact prove to be a blessing in disguise.? IF, and it?s a huge if, IF the right sort of leaders rise up to lead the Church boldly into a new and brighter future, with the sort of clear and compelling vision that Bishops Moore and Meade did in 19th century Virginia.

David Handy+

October 31, 11:10 am | [comment link]


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Blasphemy not OK!

polonius? Threads: 68
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Rising above the Nergal case, too many people fail to see that our 'anything goes' cutlrue, our 'let-it-all-hang-out' culture, our '5-minutes of fame' culture is among the main reason for the morall rot which may cause the West to succumnb to Muslim fanaticism and take-over perhaps sooner than anyone thinks. If you doubt it, try following the spread of their outposts acorss the globe - the Phillipines, Latin America, Scandinavia, North America, continental Europe, you name it.
The sick permissive, hypercommercial, popculture-fuelled society tells people 'it's OK to be this or that or do this or that', regardless of whether it is sensible, advisable, rational, decent, valuable or individually or socially harmful. Legions of the gullible swept along by every passing fad lap it all up and throw common sense, decency, restraint and decorum to the wind.
Not religion but popculture is the opium of today's masses.


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eSports, Gaming, and Bullying

EDITORIAL??posted Oct 31st, 2012

In a world fueled by passion it can occasionally lead to unsavoury situations. eSports is a world that utilises one important staple ingredient: the internet. Gaming has grown online and the humour, memes and linguistic style have become mainstream, with words such as newbie, owned, leet, gg and entering everyday vocabulary. The other day I heard a non-gamer, technophobe, no-internet girl scream ?OMG, NEWB?. She explained OMG came from magazines and how newb came from the TV show Scrubs.

The complete anonymity of the internet leads to outspoken free thinking and a vocal environment, but within an extremely limited framework. Over time the internet ?user? has taken on a personality and expects the same humour, a required amount of trolling and achieves approval by fulfilling these aspects. You could spend the next month looking at the top votes on Reddit, or the most popular comments on Youtube and I can guarantee the humour is identical in each topic. In an anonymous world the userbase has created a character to mimic and fulfill. Some websites are darker than others in the spectrum of this humour which we can see with popular social sites 4chan, reddit and 9gag each taking on an individual character.

Gaming is by and large anonymous, with the larger games encouraging superficial confidence by allowing your name to melt into the network. Try and recall the last few players in your LoL or CoD match. However the anonymity starts to erode as they enter the top few percentile of good gamers. The eSports scene is far more personal, with a model which is 1 part game, 1 part personality and 1 part scene, in which players in eSports start becoming people.

The eSports scene is a large multifaceted industry of players, casters, fans, business minds, sponsors, hosts and of course game developers, and every single title is a person. Behind each player is a person, behind each screen name is a person and in some cases a business, a life and a means to an end.

Andrew "Zyori" Campbell is an executive producer and lead broadcaster for ZyoriTV. Zyori is well known for his in-depth analysis and pro player interviews in the HoN scene and has been described as ?Heroes of Newerth?s Day[9]? with an easy going personality, in-depth knowledge and dedication to eSports. Over the last 2 years he?s streamed, hosted, played and focused his passion into eSports. A few weeks ago he had one accident: he left his stream on broadcasting to the world an empty room. During this time he walked onto the stream and was naked from the waist down. Overnight the internet exploded with images, videos, links and articles talking about Zyori and his incident. Everyone on the internet and anybody familiar with those in the limelight know that such an incident will be covered, will be shared, laughed at, cringed at and discussed. Two weeks later Zyori streamed a statement and posted a video. He talks about how the ?trolls? took it a step too far.

The internet is a cyber Wild West, with no real law and self moderation which shapes what we as consumers want. After the incident with Zyori many internet fans had heard of or seen the video (even Zyori admitted his real life friends knew) and Zyori admitted he was a realist. He knew this would be the case and being the strong character he is, he took it on the chin, accepted it and tried to move on. But then a select few users took the ?joke? too far. They sent the video to his parents, his out of eSports work place and constantly uploaded the video to Youtube. The ?trolling? crossed the line from the expected internet humour to affecting his life. He revealed he suffered personally to the attacks and expressed concern of the danger of the internet and the lack of ?cyber police? and some kind of law.

This cyber bullying led to the end of Zyori TV. He announced in the video he was going to wind down his involvement in eSports. Garena dropped him and he hinted at various avenues of business closing down, all due to this one mistake. I personally would like to think that internet, the industry and the scene could just ignore it, accept it as a mistake and move on. Sadly we know that whilst individuals in the positions of decision making could do exactly that, it?s only a matter of time before someone will bring it up as an attack, tarnishing whoever may be involved. A sad fact.

Cyber bullying has been a hot topic recently with the suicide of Amanda Todd and murmurs for policing on the internet. Yet I feel this is not required. The community as a whole moderates itself, and with the exception of the over zealous users who feel the need to contact and email sponsors directly over language, incidents or behaviour seen on stream, the community is fair and sensible.

When dealing with internet screen names, pause and just think of the implications of hitting ?enter? after writing some rage. Consider that behind that screen name is a real person, with a real life and real feelings. And to those who need to troll, laugh and play around don?t take it to the next level to bully. Who do you impress? Please, don?t be one of the minority who spoils the eSports community for everyone with irresponsible and mean-spirited bullying; if cyber-bullying stops, we will not need to consider cyber-policing. And, if you are one of the majority who sees the trolling being taken to a new, malicious level, stand up for eSports and your community and do what your parents probably told you all along: stand up to the bullies.


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4 NJ towns submerged after surge breaks levee

By NBC News staff and wire reports

A levee broke in northern New Jersey on Tuesday, flooding at least four towns with up to 6 feet of water in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the National Weather Service said.

In a statement, the NWS said "portions" of Moonachie, Little Ferry, South Hackensack and Hackensack were submerged, with worse to come during Tuesday morning?s high tide, expected at about 10am ET.

"We are in rescue mode," said Jeanne Baratta, chief of the Bergen County Executive. There were no reports of fatalities as of yet, she told Reuters.

Smartphone users: Watch TODAY's live coverage of Hurricane Sandy

Baratta said the towns, along with parts of Carlstadt, had been "devastated" by the flood of water. The break came after Sandy, which dropped below hurricane status just before it hit the U.S. East Coast on Monday, flooded parts of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast including New York City.

She told New Jersey newspaper, The Record, that the entire borough of Moonachie was underwater, and that it had lost its fire and police departments.

Baratta said as many as 1,000 residents may need to leave their homes and that people in a trailer park have had to climb on the roofs of their trailers to await rescue, reported.

The National Guard, the State Police and local agencies are helping in the evacuation, The Record reported.


News site reported that 150,000 were without power across Bergen County.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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First iPad mini reviews

The first set of iPad mini reviews are now hitting the web and so far, so good. Obviously, it's an iPad only smaller -- or more concentrated, as Apple said. But how does it compare to other small tablets, and to the 9.7-inch iPad? Here's a roundup of opinions so far

The Loop's Jim Dalrymple says he was wrong to doubt the usefulness of an iPad mini:

I was really surprised with how much I used the iPad mini in my daily routine ? more than the 10-inch iPad. There are a couple of things you have to remember with the iPad mini. First, it isn?t just a smaller iPad, but rather it feels like its own device.

Fox News Clayton Morris says the iPad mini is small but it performs big:

After a few days I started to prefer the mini to my larger iPad despite its lack of a Retina screen. It even made my larger iPad look old fashioned. Awkwardly large. The mini is fast, impressively light -- weighing in at just over 10 ounces -- and easy to keep with me at all times. The only thing I don't enjoy as much with the mini is watching videos. It seems the crystal-clear Retina display in the newer (and larger) iPads has spoiled me.

TechCrunch's MG Siegler says that with the iPad mini, Apple is putting the pedal to the metal.

Apple has done a good job of making the case that the iPad mini is not just another 7-inch tablet ? in fact, it?s not a 7-inch tablet at all. It?s a 7.9-inch tablet ? a subtle, but important difference. As a result, it can utilize every iOS app already in existence. And it can access the entire iTunes ecosystem. And it will be sold in Apple Stores.

Apple isn?t looking at this as $329 versus $199. They?re looking at this as an impossibly small iPad 2 sold at the most affordable price for an iPad yet. In other words, they?re not looking at the tablet competition. This isn?t a tablet. It?s an iPad. People love these things.

Time's Harry McCracken says the iPad mini is the first small tablet that's an iPad:

If your budget?s got more wiggle room, the iPad Mini is the best compact-sized tablet on the market. Apple didn?t build yet another bargain-basement special; it squeezed all of the big iPad?s industrial-design panache, software polish and third-party apps, and most of its technology, into a smaller thinner, lighter, lower-priced model. The result may be a product in a category of one ? but I have a hunch it?s going to be an awfully popular category.

The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg says that, with the iPad mini, Apple has pulled off an impressive feat:

The $329 price may well tempt some budget-conscious buyers who have lusted for an iPad. But Apple believes the lower size and weight, not the price, are the key attractions. If you love the iPad, or want one but just found it too large or heavy, the iPad mini is the perfect solution.

The Verge's Joshua Topolsky says the iPad mini isn't a step down from the iPad 4, but a step to the side.

There's no tablet in this size range that's as beautifully constructed, works as flawlessly, or has such an incredible software selection. Would I prefer a higher-res display? Certainly. Would I trade it for the app selection or hardware design? For the consistency and smoothness of its software, or reliability of its battery? Absolutely not. And as someone who's been living with (and loving) Google's Nexus 7 tablet for a few months, I don't say that lightly.

The iPad mini hasn't wrapped up the "cheapest tablet" market by any stretch of the imagination. But the "best small tablet" market? Consider it captured.

Engadget's Tim Stevens says the iPad mini brings everything Apple has to offer in a tablet that fits in one hand.

This isn't just an Apple tablet made to a budget. This isn't just a shrunken-down iPad. This is, in many ways, Apple's best tablet yet, an incredibly thin, remarkably light, obviously well-constructed device that offers phenomenal battery life. No, the performance doesn't match Apple's latest and yes, that display is a little lacking in resolution, but nothing else here will leave you wanting. At $329, this has a lot to offer over even Apple's more expensive tablets.

CNET's Scott Stein says the iPad mini is the perfect size but comes at a price:

If you want a tiny tablet to do everything but make calls, the iPad Mini is worth the $130 premium. For an e-reader plus apps, choose a cheaper, higher-resolution 7-inch tablet.

BusinessWeek's Rich Jaroslovsky says the iPad mini is thin and light but not cheap:

I can tell you the iPad mini is the best small tablet you can buy. The question you?ll have to answer for yourself is whether it?s that much better.

SlashGear's Vincent Nguyen says the iPad mini is aimed at the everyman:

In the end, it?s about an overall package, an experience which Apple is offering. Not the fastest tablet, nor the cheapest, nor the one that prioritizes the most pixel-dense display, but the one with the lion?s share of tablet applications, the integration with the iOS/iTunes ecosystem, the familiarity of usability and, yes, the brand cachet. That?s a compelling metric by which to judge a new product, and it?s a set of abilities that single the iPad mini out in the marketplace. If the iPad with Retina display is the flagship of Apple?s tablet range, then the iPad mini is the everyman model, and it?s one that will deservedly sell very well.

The Guardian's Charles Arthur says the iPad mini is a five-star device:

Apple is going to sell a lot of these ? quite possibly more than the "large" iPad ? in this quarter. The only way Apple could improve on this product would be (as some people are already agitating) to give it a retina screen and somehow make it lighter. That might happen at some point. You can wait if you like; other people, in the meantime, will be buying this one.

If I missed any, let me know and I'll add them in. So far, so good though.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pokki Is a Start Menu Replacement for Windows 8 That Does So Much More

Pokki Is a Start Menu Replacement for Windows 8 That Does So Much More Windows: We've discussed some great ways to bring the Start Menu back in Windows 8, but Pokki doesn't just offer a good-looking, feature-packed start menu replacement, it also offers its own app store, packed with mini-apps you can install with a single click and use right from the taskbar, no additional windows or fancy tiles required.

The last time we discussed Pokki, it only had a few apps to its catalog, and while it offered great one-click taskbar apps like Gmail, Facebook, and Twitter, it still had some growing to do. With Windows 8, Pokki has come into its own. There are hundreds of Pokki apps to choose from, from games to webapps to productivity tools. The Gmail Pokki app, for example, gives you real-time notifications and the option to check your inbox without opening a browser. The Instagrille app lets you keep up with your Instagram friends right from the taskbar, and the Tweeki app alerts you to DMs and lets you read your stream without opening a new app at all.

In addition to its app catalog, Pokki brings back the start menu, and also offers quick access to your Pokki apps, your favorite desktop apps, system-wide search, your commonly-used folders, and system settings?everything you would expect from a Start Menu replacement. Pokki is completely free and available now. If you're looking for a start menu replacement that adds some useful features and apps of its own to your Windows 8 install, give it a try.



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?This Is What You Want to Own?: David Rosenberg ... - Yahoo! Finance

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This week is going to be all about Hurricane Sandy and reports are already being written about the best ways to "play" the storm. But this too shall (hopefully) pass and the focus will soon return to the biggest issue facing investors: How to find yield in an ultra-low rate environment?

Related: Hurricane Sandy: Economic Impact Could Exceed $10 Billion a Day

For many individual investors, dividend-paying stocks have been the preferred means to find yield in recent years. Since at least mid-summer, however, there's been chatter about whether this theme is "played out", "overdone" or even entered bubble territory. There are also concerns about dividend stocks getting hit by the fiscal cliff; if Congress doesn't act, dividend taxes (among others) will rise in the New Year.

Related: Fiscal Cliff: "Major Market Meltdown" Expected If Congress Does Nothing, Says Steven Rattner

The iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index (DVY), a commonly used proxy for the sector, has been underperforming the S&P 500 since early August and trails the index year-to-date as of Friday's close.

But fans of dividend strategies say reports of their demise have been greatly exaggerated.

"The story has got further to run in my opinion in terms of generating good returns for investors in zero-percent interest rate environment," says David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Gluskin Sheff. "They're becoming rich become this is what you want to own in an environment where interest rates are close to zero [but] dividend yields are barely more than 2% -- call me when they're 4.5%; dividend payout ratios are 30%, call me when they're 50%."

Of course, not all dividend-paying stocks are created equally. A high dividend yield may be the result of a falling stock price and it usually pays to look for companies with a history of steady payouts vs. "special" dividends.

Related: Global Recession Ahead in 2013: Time to Get Out of Stocks, Says Gary Shilling

At Gluskin Sheff, the firm is "much more partial to dividend growth, rather than dividend yield," Peter Mann, a portfolio manager tells me via email. "Even in a yield starved environment, we would rather own a business that can meaningfully grow its dividend off a low base, then own companies that pay it all out just to bribe the shareholder base to stay."

Mann offers the following as examples of the kind of names the firm likes, and is currently long:

  • Oaktree: We love the management and the large decline that occurred post the IPO, which gave us a chance to get long. Greater than 7% yield with thoughtful guys that walk into burning buildings (on the debt side) while everyone is clamoring to get out. Have earned a performance fee for every quarter for the last 8 years.
  • Comcast: Operationally as sound a business as we have come across in the current environment. Massive free cash flow growth, dividend growth and large share shrink supplemented by the benefits starting to bear fruit on NBC Universal. Small dividend, but with leverage now below 1.4x enterprise value/EBITDA, lots of room to grow it.
  • ADT Corp: Recently spun out of Tyco International, ADT is the largest U.S. home security provider with 90% recurring (predictable) revenue stream with an average contract of 3.6 years. Customers pay 30 days in advance, supporting all working capital requirements. ADT has 10% free cash flow yield and organic revenue growth of 4-6% with a very under-levered balance sheet (1.3X debt-to-EBITDA) and tremendous opportunity to meaningfully accrete value to shareholders.

For ETF investors, S&P Capital IQ issued a report last week recommending overweight positions in the Utilities Select Sector SPDR (XLU), the SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY) and the iShares High Dividend Equity Fund (HDV).

S&P placed "marketweight" recommendations on the DVY, the WisdomTree Dividend ex-Financials Fund (DTN) and the WisdomTree Equity Income Fund (DHS).

"We expect that dividends will continue to have appeal as a form of income, and that corporate America could choose to increasingly utilize cash for special dividends before new tax law goes into effect, or for stock repurchases," the S&P report says.

Aaron Task is the host of The Daily Ticker and Editor-in-Chief of Yahoo! Finance. You can follow him on Twitter at @aarontask or email him at


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Keeping the kids busy through hurricane hibernation - Johnston, RI ...

It?s Hurricane hibernation time here in the Hennessey household and thankfully, we still have our health, our home, our power, (and our sanity). Before I devour all the snacks (and meals) I prepared in case we lose power, I wanted to squeeze in a quick post. Seriously, I hope you stay safe through the storm. If you?re looking for fun and easy ways to help keep the kids busy (and the storm off of their minds), here are a handful of our family?s storm-time traditions:

1. Flashlight family story time. Materials needed: One flashlight and lots of imagination.

    One person holds the flash light & starts a story. The first passes the flashlight to the next person, who then continues the story, and on and on it goes. We?ve had our share of nearly-pee-in-your-pants plot-building times with our kids. Their brains are like sponges. It?s a cute way for kids to express their imagination! No matter where their story leads, this can be quite a riot for everyone.

    2. ?Blind man? sketching. Materials: A pencil and piece of paper.

    We invented this fun craft recently with our kids when we knew they needed to turn off the television and fast. Start with a plain piece of paper, fold it vertically into as many sections as there are people in your household. (Not counting pets, sorry pooch.) For four people: The first person draws a face, the second a body, the next legs, the last shoes. Make sure each section is hidden from the other. The result is a hilarious looking sketch of a human, with special touches (and sketches) from every member of your family.

    3. Fort time. Materials: Sheets, blankets, pillows, hockey sticks, you name it.

    Have the kids build a fort around you. This one can take hours and helps when you need to do some work or stay glued to your phone for severe weather alerts.

    4. Family Olympics. Materials: Board games, playing cards, checkers.

    Drum up some fun Family Olympic-style competition to help keep everyone busy. Start with easy games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Hang Man and checkers. Make sure the games are age appropriate. The winner plays the next person, and on and on it goes. We enjoy friendly matches of balloon volley ball tossing, air hockey, War, Connect Four, Life, Stratego and when the power comes back on, iPad Wheel of Fortune. (Big money, big money.)

    5. Spa time and girly makeover. Materials: Nail polish, brush, and mom's cosmetics.

    This one is great for moms (and dads) & their little girls. Let the girls take over and make you over. Manicure with Barbie nail polish? Bring it on. Lipstick on your face? So what! Who cares what you look like? It's all about having fun, staying safe and making memories as you ride out the storm together.

    Have fun and stay safe!

    Jackie Hennessey is a pr consultant and author of gift book, How to Spread Sanity on a Cracker. She blogs at The native Texan lives in Barrington with her husband and two children.


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FBI: Crime reported to police fell last year

(AP) ? The number of violent crimes reported to police decreased 3.8 percent last year to 1.2 million, the fifth straight year of declines, the FBI announced Monday.

Meanwhile, the total number of property crime reported to law enforcement agencies went down by 0.5 percent to 9 million, the ninth consecutive year that figure has fallen. Property crimes resulted in estimated losses of $156.6 billion.

The South accounted for 41.3 percent of violent crime, while the West had 22.9 percent of it. The Midwest claimed 19.5 percent of the cases and the Northeast, 16.2 percent.

In 2011, authorities solved nearly 64 percent of murders, over 40 percent of forcible rapes, nearly 29 percent of robberies and nearly 57 percent of aggravated assaults.

The FBI said firearms were used in two-thirds of the nation's murders last year, and in two out of every five robberies and in one out of five aggravated assaults.

The FBI's crime reporting program is one of two statistical measures of crime levels issued by the Justice Department. The FBI program captures crimes that are reported to police. Historically, less than half of all crimes, including violent crimes, are reported to police. The other measure, the national crime victimization survey, is designed to capture crime data whether it is reported to police or not. That survey is based on interviews of crime victims.

Two weeks ago, the victimization survey reported that violent crimes jumped 18 percent last year, the first rise in nearly 20 years, while property crimes rose for the first time in a decade. Academic experts say the new government data fall short of signaling a reversal of the longterm decline in crime.

The survey found that the increase in the number of violent crimes was the result of an upward swing in simple assaults, which rose 22 percent, from 4 million in 2010 to 5 million last year. The incidence of rape, sexual assault and robbery remained largely unchanged, as did serious violent crime involving weapons or injury.

The experts said the percentage increases last year were so large primarily because the 2011 crime totals were compared to historically low levels of crime in 2010. Violent crime has fallen by 65 percent since 1993, according to the victimization survey.

Associated Press


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Demi Lovato National Anthem Performance: Grade It!


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Five Best Drive Enclosures

Five Best Drive Enclosures If you have a spare hard drive lying around, a great way to get some extra life out of it is to drop it into an external drive enclosure and connect it to your computer for some fast, portable storage. However, drive enclosures vary widely based on price, size, available connections, and features. This week, we're going to take a look at five of the best external drive enclosures, based on your nominations.

We asked you which single hard drive enclosures you thought were the best earlier in the week. You responded with some great suggestions, but we only have room for the five most popular out of your nominees, and here they are.

Five Best Drive Enclosures

Zalman ZM-VE200/ZM-VE300

Zalman's VE series drive enclosures are small, portable sleds for 2.5" hard drives that support any SATA drive you toss into them and connect to your PC via USB or eSATA (in the case of the VE200) or USB 3.0 (in the VE300). You may have to do a little hunting to find them though?technically they've been discontinued, but they're still so popular that you can find them?especially the VE300?in black and silver on Amazon (linked above) or your favorite online PC parts retailer, mostly hovering around the $50 USD mark. What makes the Zalman really special is the digital display on the drive case that provides useful information, and its one-touch backup and locking features. The VE300 model even works as a virtual optical disk drive, allowing you to mount it as a virtual DVD, CD, or Blu-ray drive, and files on the drive as virtual disks, perfect for installing a new OS, for example. Bonus: The enclosure powers itself via USB, so no hefty brick required!

Five Best Drive Enclosures

Patriot Memory Gauntlet/Gauntlet Node

The Patriot Gauntlet series of drive enclosures has been around for a while, and are well known for their rugged, simple design. The Gauntlet 2 (~$20) supports both 2.5" SATA drives and SSDs up to 9.5mm in height, and is completely powered by its USB 3.0 connection. The enclosure is also backwards compatible, so if you don't have USB 3.0 on your system just yet, it's still a good buy. The Gauntlet Node ($~90) on the other hand is a Wi-Fi-enabled drive, meaning you can stream files and media from it to your iOS or Android device (using Patriot's apps) or to any computer in your house without connecting it directly. It even has an on-board rechargeable battery so you don't have to connect a brick to keep the data flowing.

Five Best Drive Enclosures

Rosewill RX-358

If you have a larger drive you want to put to good use, the Rosewill RX-358 is a great option. It supports 3.5" SATA drives, and connects to your PC via USB 3.0 or eSATA. Slap the drive in, turn it on, and leave the drive enclosure on your desk. You can turn the blue LEDs on the front on or off depending on what you prefer, and the enclosure boasts a shiny 80mm top-mounted fan to keep your drive cool. This model is also remarkably affordable, coming in around $40 at Amazon, both for the traditional black model shown here, and the silver special edition that's also available.

Five Best Drive Enclosures

Thermaltake BlacX Docking Station

Perhaps you're no fan of keeping a bunch of enclosures on your desk, or you need to swap drives frequently. Maybe you have a mix of 2.5" and 3.5" drives to use. If this sounds familiar, the Thermaltake BlacX might be for you. It's affordable, coming in at $35 at Amazon. Just pop a SATA drive into the top, make sure it's firmly docked, and connect the dock to your computer via eSATA or USB 2.0. If you want USB 3.0 in your dock, there's a model for $50 that supports it. The best part about the BlacX series is that the drives are hot-swappable, so pop one out and put in another just like you're swapping USB keys. Have more than one drive you want to connect? Try the $41 BlacX Duet, which supports two drives. Have a bit more to spend? Grab the USB 3.0-equipped version for just over $60.

Five Best Drive Enclosures

Vantec NexStar TX

If you need the ultimate in portability, the Vantec NexStar TX offers a rugged aluminum case in an incredibly slim and trim sled that's easy to work with for?seriously?less than $10. One of you mentioned that Vantec is almost a standard in a lot of IT shops, and I can concur?the TX is a popular choice for technicians and minimalists a like looking to make the most of their drives without giving up too much space. The TX supports SATA drives and connects to your PC via USB 2.0. If you need a little more speed or have larger drives, consider the Vantec NexStar 3 NST series, which offer eSATA and USB 3.0 connectivity for your 3.5" drives. It'll set you back around $25.

Now that you've seen the top five, it's time to vote for the all-out best.

Have something to say about one of the contenders? Want to make the case for your personal favorite, even if it wasn't included in the list? Remember, the top five are based on your most popular nominations from the call for contenders thread from earlier in the week. Make your case for your favorite?or alternative?in the discussions below. Even better, show us your enclosure! Drop a picture of the one you use in the discussions so we can see it!

The Hive Five is based on reader nominations. As with most Hive Five posts, if your favorite was left out, it's not because we hate it?it's because it didn't get the nominations required in the call for contenders post to make the top five. We understand it's a bit of a popularity contest, but if you have a favorite, we want to hear about it. Have a suggestion for the Hive Five? Send us an email at!

Photo by William Hook.


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Folks here is a manufacturing unit revealed apple iphone 4 for assorted causes. The great majority with your list are living in places in which the iPhone 4 just isn?t but obtainable. A different massive group includes those who travel in another country greatly, and want to be capable of move to insurers structured within the countries they will visit. The following paragraphs will help potential users to pick a cell phone correctly designed with regards to desires in addition to make them aware ways to get the telephone triggered.
Why The Manufacturing plant Jailbroke unlock iphone 4 tutorials utilizes GSM
The 2 main mobile phone system systems globally are CDMA (Code Department Multiple Accessibility) as well as GSM (World wide Technique pertaining to Mobile phone Communication).These kind of technology is not necessarily suitable. Meaning a GSM configured phone can?t make use of a carrier making use of CDMA, along with the other way round.
GSM could be the prevalent technological know-how worldwide, accessible in in excess of 250 international locations plus areas, providing plan to over Three or more zillion folks along with delivering vacationers with mobile phone access almost in which they go. It really is used in European countries (where by this is the typical), Europe, the Caribbean, Latin The united states, Questionnaire, New Zealand, Africa, and far associated with Indonesia and also the Midst Far east. AT&T plus T-Mobile function GSM communities in america.
CDMA, whilst big in the us, supplies smaller world-wide insurance coverage compared to GSM.
An additional as well as regarding GSM phones is they make use of the hassle-free SIM cards, which in turn CDMA won?t. This allows you to, amongst other things, move mobile phones and SIM-based providers with less effort.
GSM setting thus remains your best option for a real ?world? cellular phone.
Which will Strap? Be certain Which has a Quadband World GSM apple iphone 4
Not just any kind of GSM mobile phone will perform the. You can find three GSM jewelry applied all over the world: Eight hundred fifty, Nine hundred, A single,400, plus Just one,900MHz.
United states employs the actual 850MHz as well as A single,900MHz companies. In comparison, European countries, works by using the actual 900MHz as well as One,800MHz jewelry.
To be able to use a cellular phone that may work with essentially the most nations possible, you need to ensure that your mobile phone handset is definitely Quadband (GSM 850/900/ Just one,800/1,900MHz).
Reducing Issues Right down to Dimension ( blank ) Sim card to help MicroSIM
The apple iphone 4 works with a MicroSIM, as well as a usual Sim would not wear the particular cell phone?s SIM slot machine. You will need to cut your Sim into MicroSIM dimensions. It is quite easily carried out, employing a Simulator used vinyl cutter, and that is economical as well as obtainable via internet vendors. Avoid the use of scissers!
Small Sim card Adapters allow any Micro sim card unit card to be played with with mobile phone models designed to use a complete dimension Simulator, therefore you don?t really need to unique a couple of Sim cards.
Most people collect lots of queries about your Manufacturer Revealed iPhone for instance; What is it? Exactly what is the diverse among an iPhone as well as a Manufacturing facility Revealed to you i phone? What type is more preferable? Can one even now jailbreak this? Easily replace our firmware edition must i drop our unlock characteristic into it? If I jailbreak it can I get rid of something? Just how much should it price? Do you think get it? Can Apple company accomplish international shipping on there? Which are the locations that have it?
In certain nations around the world there are certain legislation along with limits that does not permit Apple inc to offer i-phones which have been locked so that you can community cellular phone providers. These legal guidelines designed Apple come forth with an iPhone that will identified available in the market since Manufacturing unit or even Basically Revealed to you iphone 3gs, which is not 100% true, as this cellphone is not recently been fixed, it absolutely was made by Apple inc with no Sim rules so you?re able to utilize it by using almost any GSM Sim global.
Among the list of advantages of this particular mobile phone would it be matters not the number of times an individual replace, improve or even limit the firmware, it?ll even now work with every Sim worldwide, you can also however jailbreak the following iphone 3gs so you aren?t required to be worried about results your unlocking rank of your respective manufacturing area revealed to you new iphone 4. Yet apart from the undeniable fact that this particular new iphone 4 isn?t based to any precise service provider, and you will put it to use worldwide and never have to discover this, it truly is exactly like the locked apple iphone.
Manufacturing unit Revealed to you iphone 3gs is superior to any based i phone because of a pair of causes, a person its witout a doubt jailbroke which means you aren?t required to bother about opening them, and 2 you could get some new firmware type every time apple inc have a latest version along with your apple iphone will always be revealed.
After i talked about with the female at the shop, while I can pick the i phone with out a commitment, My partner and i nevertheless might not be able to utilize it over a circle other than AT&T. That had been a difficulty if you ask me much like me generally overseas in most locations wherever AT&T isn?t going to are present or seldom have got companions.
Don?t misunderstand me, I love AT&T and I possess a plan using them with yet another new iphone 4 that I am not necessarily about to unlock. Nevertheless i was still determined to open up one particular in my utilization abroad. My girlfriends in another country managed to get seem a fairly easy course of action. Receive an apple iphone and you may shell out a person that can open up the item in your case.
Therefore, briefly, my iPhone visited when camping rolling around in its removing the lock on vacation. The expense to help uncover it had been Thirty Bucks nevertheless the male explained they cannot do the item right now i needed to hold out. Because I are impatient, I made the choice to look into the idea over the internet as a substitute. Many solutions were there online totally free but none of them of those labored since i obtained the newest iphone 4 computer software release. I made the choice to penetrate any forking over web site alternatively and that is while i thought everything is solved!
Obviously it was not! My own cellphone continue to didn?t understand the latest Sim I personally introduced. My partner and i figured that I received tricked in a artificial web-site, thus i chose to analysis even more. For just a beginner, it was just like beginning a new can easily involving heats. Jailbreaking, fitness center, firmware, computer software, baseband, and all sorts of these phrases in which meant nothing to me plus looked like thus challenging ended up inside my face!


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Karbonn Mobiles wants to be the Maruti of cell phones | Firstpost

New Delhi: The iPad Mini or the 4th generation iPad, launched by Apple on 23 October may not have India on it?s A-list? but in a price sensitive market, Apple?s loss is the local manufacturers? gain.

Even as a recent CyberMedia Tablet Market Review for Q2 2012 saw Micromax leading India?s tablet market with a market share of 18.4 percent ? beating both Samsung and Apple with market shares of 13.3 percent and 12.3 percent, respectively ? other local manufacturers are also dipping their fingers into the country?s tablet and mobile telephony pie.

One such player is Karbonn Mobiles, a joint venture company between Bangalore based United Telelinks Limited and Delhi based Jaina Marketing & Associates. The company presently has 42 products in the market ? four of them are tablets.

The company on 17 October launched its Android based 3G tablet, Agnee, which will hit markets before Diwali. The Agnee will be Karbonn?s fifth tablet to hit the market. Heralding it as the beginning of more innovation to come, Pradeep Jain, managing director, Karbonn Mobiles had said at the launch, ?Our aim is to usher in a new revolution in the tablet market with 3G technology for advanced communication and data usage, thus creating a new wavelength wherein Karbonn Mobiles can demonstrate it?s technical stewardship.?

The A7 Karbonn Mobile. Image courtesy: Karbonn Mobiles.

But Karbonn Mobiles? beginnings were as modest as its ambition now is bold.

From distribution to manufacturing

For managing director Pradeep Jain and chairman Sudhir Hasija, Karbonn Mobiles was born from the thought of owning one?s own mobile phone company rather than doing business for others.

The acquaintances-turned-friends-turned business partners knew each other for about 10 years before they joined hands to start Karbonn Mobiles in 2009. Jain was already a mobile phone distributor for almost a decade and a half when they started the company and Hasija ran his telecom manufacturing, services and distribution business. Jain?s company, the Jaina Group, launched HTC in India in 2005. Today, it is the distributor for HTC in India and South Asia, and for Motorola and LG in India.

?We were into distribution for about 15 years before we set up Karbonn Mobiles. The distribution business was tough and we thought why not manufacture our own phones instead of just distributing phones for other companies. It?s like living in a rented house: one lives there till one has to but everyone eventually wants to move into their own house,? Jain told Firstpost.

The company began its operations in 2009 manufacturing simple feature mobile phones. They gradually moved on to smartphones and tablets, even as India?s local manufacturers took its market by storm. Karbonn Mobiles is one among the many local companies, like Micromax, that is competing with international brands like Samsung and Apple for India?s smartphone and tablet space.

The Trajectory

Presently the company has eight smartphones, 30 feature phones and four tablets available in the market ? its smartphones are in the price range of Rs 4,400-12,000, its feature phones cost Rs 1,190-3,000 and its tablets cost between Rs 5,490-9,990. The company, Jain said, aims at launching an average of two to three products each month.

Karbonn Mobiles, which has a monthly average sales of 50,000 phone units, has till date sold 30 million devices, according to Jain. This trajectory can be noted in its sales numbers since it began. In its first month of operations in December 2009 Karbonn sold 25,000 phones. In 2010-11 its sales were close to 2.15 million phones, and in 2011-12 the company sold six million feature phones. The company?s revenue saw a similar upswing ? in 2010-11 the company?s revenue was Rs. 1,500 crore, 2011-12 saw revenues increase to Rs 1,600 crore and Jain told Firstpost that the company was aiming to hit a revenue of Rs 2,800 crore this fiscal year.

It?s employee strength too has also gone up, starting with 70 permanent and no contract employees in 2009 to 823 permanent and close to 400 contract employees presently.

Karbonn, the Maruti of the mobile industry?

Claiming a distribution footprint of over 98 percent across India?s districts, Karbonn devices are available in more than 72,000 outlets and has over 800 service centres ? to ensure efficient, convenient and quick after sales support. The company is aiming to replicate the Maruti model ? in after-sales effort and mass scale.

?We want to be the Maruti of the mobile phone industry ? both in after-sales service and customer service, and also in becoming the number one in our business. Customer service is the backbone of any business success and it is our dream to be like Maruti,? Jain told Firstpost.

?The Indian consumer is quite complex and wants everything ? a good product, from a good brand, at a good price ? and we are trying to cater to all of that,? Jain said.

And while the joke may be on the mobile phone in rural India, where there are fewer toilets than cell phones, Jain told Firstpost that his company was trying to change the way India?s poor lead life through a more efficient use of cell phones, smartphones, tablets and the Internet.

?When people have exposure, their lifestyle will change. Mobility is the first step,? he said, adding, ?We are trying to affect the way rural India lives by manufacturing affordable, yet quality products that they can use. We are also trying to make it as user friendly for them as possible ? by incorporating things as simple as local languages and software which they can use to communicate with the rest of the world without the burden of illiteracy.?


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R&B singer Natina Reed hit and killed by car in Georgia


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Loki: The Disowned Psychic Shadow ? WiccanWeb

By Makarios, on October 27th, 2012

By Henry Lauer

How is it with Loki? In a previous article I proposed that ?part of the challenge [of life] is learning to be comfortable with the discomfort of uncertainty.? And then I suggested that this challenge is connected to Loki. What did I mean by that?

Loki is a classic shadow figure ? the bearer of everything disowned and rejected. He stands out as a challenge and a dare to each of us ? can we accept the destructiveness, the chaos, within ourselves? Or do we deny it and blame it on some external figure or figures?

Read the full article


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Red Bull Stratos - Felix Baumgartner - Freefall ... - Business PR News

We have captured stories and videos, news and photos from when we first learned about Felix Baumgartner from Red Bull Stratos.? We will continue to update this section with news and articles from around the world.? Click on the links below for the full articles on this site on
Felix Baumgartner.



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Your Mom's A Vegan: Vegan MoFo, Day 28: Lemon-Tofu Squares

I haven't had much time today to make recipes from Meatless Meals. Plus, I wanted to make some Lemon-Tofu Squares from the Sept. 2012 issue of Whole Living Magazine?(I have to say that it's one of my favorite magazines. While not entirely vegan or even vegetarian, they make a concerted effort to supply lovely vegan recipes and meal plans. Plus, they're focused on sustainability and promoting green products. Splendid.). I'm headed to a?"Walking Dead" showing at my friends' house. We're eating some yummy food and watching two episodes (last week's and this week's).

Hope you enjoyed your weekend! See you tomorrow for the last installment of Tasty Drinks!


VMF 2011 Day 28: View From My Backyard
VMF 2010 Day 28: Cranberry Vinaigrette, FTW!?and The Most Wonderfully-Wonderful Soup...


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Des Moines Register endorses Mitt Romney (Washington Post)

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Surface tablet buzz starts, but Windows 8 excitement muted

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