Carlyle Finance can offer you with the advice you need to help you find the right car loan for your needs. Buying a new car can be an expensive task. Car loans can help bridge the gap in your finances to make sure you can afford the car you need. However, there are so many options available you may feel overwhelmed. Carlyle Finance has over forty years worth of experience in the industry and can help to guide you through the many choices available to finance a car. Buying a new car need not be a drain on your finances if you choose the right option for your individual circumstances. Carlyle Finance offer professional, practical advice to make sure you buy the right car for both your needs and your budget.
Credit Loan Advisor
With Carlyle Finance you have access to a Credit Loan Advisor service.
This will provide you with instant advice on the finance options available to you when it comes to funding the purchase of your new car. This service will help you to quickly and easily compare the pros and cons of each finance option from dealer agreements through to personal savings, to ensure that you can make an informed decision about your credit options.
Benefits of Dealer Finance
If you are interested in dealer finance then Carlyle Finance has relationships across the entire dealer market who will be able to help you find a competitive package to suit your needs. Dealer finance is convenient and available from your local showrooms. This means you will not have to spend hours searching around and contacting lenders for finance options. Dealer finance is also ?motor focused? and this means you will get the expertise and specialist credit and insurance support to ensure you get the best deals available.
Carlyle Finance services are convenient, quick and easy to use.
You could usually get an answer within as little as 30 minutes and this could see you driving away the car you want on the same day, subject to underwriting. There is no waiting around for lenders to come back to you or spending hours trying to navigate your way through call centres to get to the person you need to speak to. This means if you see the car you like, you do not have to worry about it being sold whilst you try and sort out finance.
Unlike a personal loan, if you take out dealer credit products through Carlyle Finance, you will be provided with an aftercare service. This means that if you are unhappy with the car you have bought Carlyle Finance will work with both you and the dealer to find a satisfactory resolution. Dealer finance also offers high levels of consumer protection, so that you can be sure your finances will be safeguarded and your needs met.
Carlyle Finance can provide you with the loan advice you need to make sure you get the best deals when it comes to financing your next car. The website is easy to use and contains lots of helpful information on credit options and you can also contact the customer service centre team directly by telephone if you have any further questions.
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